Flower-farming and posy-tying at Common Farm Flowers near Wincanton

I was doing a quick locations recce for a project I’m working on when I discovered Common Farm Flowers for the first time. It was the height of summer and it’s fair to say I fell in love as I meandered around the gardens and fields taking it all in; row upon row of raised beds bursting at the seams with cutting flowers, areas given over to wildflowers and gorgeous, gorgeous colours everywhere. The working family farmhouse is the floristry hub and the big farmhouse table was surrounded with old dressers bursting with vintage glass and creamware. Lots of inspiration!
All of it the work and passion of Georgie Newbery and her husband Fabrizio Boccha who have made sustainably-grown, eco, British cut flowers their wonderful business. I have to admit I’m somewhat envious of Georgie’s ‘Flower Farmer’ job title.
They offer a postal service, tying bouquets and posies according to what’s at its best on any given day so no two are ever the same. But the thing that really grabbed me is their programme of workshops – everything from ‘Social Media for Business’ to ‘Grow Your Own Wedding Flowers’ to a ‘Wild Yeast and Sourdough Day’.
‘Grow your own Flower Patch’ is high on must-do list for this year. The day includes information on planning, seeding, earth and flower feeding, posy-making tips – and includes a delicious lunch and a whole planted garden for you to take home.
I can’t think of anything more heavenly of spending a day at Common Farm Flowers trying my hand at being a ‘flower farmer’. I’ll be back soon.
Images courtesy of Common Farm Flowers & Katharine Davies